Sunday, July 4, 2010

Images To Make You Stop Erection

Okay ... Chat roulette and Eye vagina (Part Four)

So I googled Chatroulette and found out that one can obtain from the whole thing a good impression without taking up the lion's den or the "snake pit" of thousands of male genitals stay. How? Sure ... on YouTube ... must Once you get on it if you used the Internet more as a literature search station before. In several videos I was able to get a vivid impression of what Chatroulette is and does and why it exerts a certain fascination. The Adventure Seeker (ie the one who always wants to see what's new) as well as the release and the exhibitionist in all of us is extremely addressed here.

The sense of community is encouraged (if before sitting in the group and himself to death laughing while others .. to embarrass supposedly oneself "consumed" yes only ...) and the Fremdschämeffekt (guarantee of success with shows like "Farmer Wants a Wife," " Big Brother, "and similar quality formats) is simply irresistible

I was in the state that I otherwise rather know in horror movies.. Do not want to look and can not look away I call it simply" The fascination of disgust '(you it knows where insects are eaten or bloody operation videos). I personally think they love her hands to her eyes and see only through the well of TV shows finger that helps!

Among other things, it was a video called "Eye Vagina" in which someone repeatedly opened and closed his eyes, really a little female, primary Sexual character was similar and thus startled some viewers, others disgusted for a moment, but some just absolutely thrilled. Do I have what sex the enthusiastic audience to say? We save us ;-)


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