Today No. 100 * wow *!
first Actually, it would be nice would be if the cat this morning when jumping around did not land directly with your claw in my eye. Then it would do that is not now hurt so crappy and I could see the screen rational grmpf * * .
second straight people who talk so much about other people and invent any stories to tell just about anything to have noted, most do not realize that they are so ridiculous even make and that they are also highly self, the at the end no one takes seriously. ;-) third last night I have learned that tax law is somehow really exciting (I am amazed even more)?
4th That the Thomelinchen Sun oooo ... far, is really stupid.
5 I could never rest satisfied so deep in me when I had my connection to God is not .
sixth Oh, that would be nice if I had a cook. Then there every morning delicious hot oatmeal with fruit for breakfast! J
7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a few desultory hours and got tomorrow n
Thank you, dear Barbara and Happy Anniversary!
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