Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can Herpes Get In Sheets

brothers - just from a sense of family, that's all. Must start somewhere shame. (OW Fischer)

"The pity is always the same feeling
whether it is for a man or a
fly feels. The compassion accessible
man escapes in both cases the
selfishness and expand the Moral
. satisfaction of his life "
(Leo Tolsttoi)

The the human and animal this is such a thing:

It is easy to ignore that we are committed to the animal and as intended.
It probably can hardly one of not claim to know how the world is spinning really.
Every time I walked through the supermarket I stayed with the tasty convenience foods and hang the sausage. When I was much younger, It was always a pleasure for me to stand before the meat counter, the sausage vendor to smile and stand on a "try-disc" sausage to speculate.
I think the Problem is not that we do not know how it went the sausage when she was still breathing, but the growing up so ignore it skillfully. It is because of the routine that is embedded in us since childhood. We already ate meat long before we realized that this is a dead animal.
routine is dangerous, it is a kind of brainwashing, in which one gradually hineinschlittert to tempt every day, and agreed to be an excellent impregnation against dasWissen. I have learned so then surely it can only be right! The really sad about the whole thing but is that the media stubbornly insist on a line between humans and animals to draw. For example, to meticulously the animal care children are not "children" but young animals. Also made sure the animals do not "eat" eat but always. Bernhard Grzimek used but always eat with intention only when it came to feeding the animals with success.

"When I talk about pain is crucial:
Does it hurt me or someone else."
(David Froster Wallace: "The example of the lobster")

Man is an animal :
Man is an animal without doubt a clever but still an animal.

Prove A few, no one would still claim today the one man against the animal has a special position.
Man is a vertebrate, a mammal, they look calm even under her T-shirt, they will find that this clearly is a mammal. We are not directly a continuing human monkey but very close to it (after all, merely a diversion entvernd). If be precise, our genes are identical to those of apes to 98.4% üerein. Using the mouse, it is nevertheless impressive 95% and for the nematode are they, whether they admit it now or not, after all, only 74%!

will now say, "Ok, we are with the animal relatives BUT we have some properties that the animal does not have one!" and they will say that with such a conviction in his voice, that I dare not even take them to their illusions, but unfortunately there are also single pair Prove that should not be ruled out. It is as if the damn science, because every time when a difference is found, it does not take long to retrofit the animal and the "different" capability is also low. We are looking today for the one life at which we erwärb the animal kingdom and left to a very peculiar species, a class of their own were.

1 Up in the 50s it was believed, for example, produce the ability to use the tool and would make us superior to animals. The chimpanzees made this thesis a dash through the account in which you aufspleißten branches in order to fish termites out of their burrows.

2 animals have no understanding of art!
vote if it does, we would have a real problem to where we were then the bowerbird place of his elaborately constructed leaves nest at the end is decorated with a blue pen, steps back and looks at his work critical to the process will be repeated until Wed entirely his creation, he is happy.

3 The power of speech.
Apart from the language of my knowledge belongs to the communication, is controlled by the animals as well as by Menashe, There is also another overwhelming argument.
for language development is a particular gene called Fox2 have the responsibility of both the man and the birds. Parrots can form words and they make sense together in, chimps have mastered the command language and recently were the first beginnings of sentence structure in the warning calls of dwarf mongooses discovered - including an adjective that describes the seriousness of the situation. Even the kiss is the bonobo it long ago.
All the many data on cognition, emotion and culture ability in animals that had been collected to prove the essential qualitative difference between man and animal, occupied merely that it this fundamental difference does not exist. So why torture animals unnecessarily when we throw them alive into boiling water, or I would even go one step further, eating at all if they are our cousins and Cousiens yet?

"I have no doubt that it is
a destiny of mankind,
In the course of its gradual development
The food of animals to leave behind."
(Henry David Thoreau)

Another very popular, by the way the argument is that The animals also eat other animals essen.Das life consists of things other things. But we have found that we have developed very clever and far. We have the ability (albeit limited) to endscheiden themselves and less dominated by instincts zuwerden (I deliberately do not say that we would not be guided by the instincts of the plain and simple would be a lie). The ones of you are now believe in God, it might be described as a kind of ability that makes us more like God than any other living being, but also have to admit that we, like the animals, end in two large steps, which as a god (if it exists ) He created us, our small but strong design from our friends abgeguckt.Und they now claim in all seriousness that we should again make us back?
Would they tell this to God he would be likely to encounter in a cloud of despair, entkomen to babbling just to their ignorance.

"You have just dined;
and how carefully whatever the slaughterhouse
in a tactful distance from some
or many kilometers may be hidden.
you are complicit "
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Can one in the face of the monster which we so polite policy call at all possible to morally behave correctly ? Can one not be at fault? Ok you can so that I excuses've ... not elected would be taken on a "good" party at the makes That could change anything at all? we see the truth in the face of the times of revolution are over. The corruption and greed is not invincible and a swim against the current sense. it? They think? sorry. It can not be wrong to stand up against injustice ! What can a target already? Well, if they were Rebel Ireland, we're already 2 or?
Just because a select group of "people", the CDU, but they do not coincide with! (At this point, if indeed, the CDU should have chosen, they can wait long for a Endschuldigung.) What has to shut his politics with the issue of eating animals? Well thanks to the distinctive capitalism and the high merit of the meat industry, which in turn stimulates the economy, it is very unlikely that the state is particularly interested in the Brange animal friendly to gestallten. Sad but true money rules Germany. demonstrate you should convince other people and fight (not physically of course, we're not the USA! But with brains.) And then we can make something!
"We do not need to go on living so
as we lived yesterday.
we make of this view, release
and a thousand load new opportunities
us to live a .
(Christian Morgenstern)

What is? they also think about the fact that the world is flat? No? Well what are they doing here? Los they get up and make a difference (and if it were only her carrier body should)! What wait to hear them read and live it decently! come here now anyway just yet specified the sources and inspiration ...

sources and suggestions:

Google, Wikipedia, eat decent, Marie's head

Special Thanks to:

Marie's head, Jens Humke (who convert themselves), my teacher that I never listen to me and therefore forced to it down (Ha! Man is probably an animal! In your face!)



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